The new camera and equipment. A lot of bits, but less than with a high end manual slr.

Adorable dog who is much happier now that I am manually focussing and forgoing the flash.

Looks much less like a devil without the red eyes.
I have been busy back at work and with the regular business of living. This is the first time I have been in the studio in two weeks and I am decidedly unmotivated. I have run out of porcelain. I put in an order from my supplier and am hoping that by the time it is delivered I will feel a bit more like making things.
I have been thinking about what I am going to do with my year of maternity leave. An entire year devoted to baby, family and artistic exploration. Thoughts so far include:
100 mugs in 100 days (brilliant idea thieved from
A Fine Mess).
365 days of photos. I tried this last year but was a little discouraged by my equipment. This time will be different.
Wax resist and water etching on porcelain.
Exploring a theme in nature in functional pottery and see where it takes me.
Expanding my repetoire of finishing techniques.
Playing with porcelain paper clay, specifically creating sculpture. The idea terrifies me.
Obviously with a new baby and 4 other children I will not get all of these things started. I like the idea of having a lot of options though.