Really big mugs with freshly attached handles. I like the shape, I want to cradle them in my hands. Except that they are sort of cold and damp now and now the warm cozy they will feel when finished and filled with tea.

Teapots drying really, really slowly. Agonizingly slowly in my opinion. I would like to get a bisque going today but even with a pre-soak, I think I need to wait until tomorrow.
Things I need to do related to my business:
1. Update my website - I would like to have individual photos of pieces with pricing and ordering infomation. I am going to try to get this all up before the open house in mid-April.
2. Join the local Chamber of Commerce.
3. Re-visit my business plan and organize my goals.
4. Add Google Analytics to my webpage to track all the visiting.
5. Get the ads designed to run in the Force Magazine and The Golden Star in preparation for my open house in April.
6. Get cracking on all the new work that I have in my imagination but not yet in my studio.
Things I want to do un-related to my business:
1. Make a list of 39 things I want to do before I turn 39 (although this may be unrealistic as that event occurs in a few short months). Maybe 40 things I want to do before I turn 40 is a better idea.
2. Major spring cleaning and then re-painting of all of the kid's bedrooms.
3. Re-tile the bathroom tub/shower.
4. Go through all my winter clothes, toss stuff and switch over to the summer clothes (not even remotely possible yet as the temperature this morning was -12).
5. Cut my dogs hair. Yes I am actually considering doing this myself. I have steady hands and a good raport with Taz. There must be instructions on-line somewhere. I feel like my friend Tracy when I think of this; Why wouldn't I be able to cut his hair? I think it will be fun, I don't think it's possible for him to look any more raggedy.
Oh, you should all know that I (and when I say I, I mean my fabulous friend Kirsten the wonder-librarian) have added a program to this blog that tracks how many visits, for how long, from which cities etc.. It is completely cool and I have become quite obsessed with checking it. I have been wondering if many people were visiting. Not many people comment, but aparently a lot of people do read it. Even people in France and England. How exciting. Now I (and I again mean Kirsten) need to figure out how to add this to my official website.